Web-specific art reconfigures - rewrites - the artist in several obvious ways.
First of all, the figure of the web-specific art artist approaches,
even if it does not entirely merge with,
that of the viewer;
the functions of viewer and artist
become more deeply entwined with each other than ever before.
This transformation and near merging of roles
is but the latest stage in the convergence
of what had once been two very different activities...
Web-specific art, which creates an active, even intrusive viewer,
carries this convergence of activities one step closer to completion;
but in so doing, it infringes upon the power of the artist,
removing some of it and granting it to the viewer.
Explanation of the work is still sought in the person of its producer, however.
As if it was always, ultimately,
the voice of one and the same person,
the artist,
which was transmitting their "confidences."

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