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SWITCH is produced by the students of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San Jose State University.

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SWITCH was first published in 1995. Check out the original first issue.

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The Masthead
Stephan Hechenberger on Feb 7 2002 switch_journal

SWITCH is produced by the CADRE Laboratory for New Media at San Jose State University.

Executive Editor
Joel Slayton

Managing Editor
Matt Mays

Conceptual/Technical Director
Stephan Hechenberger

Projects Curator
Ron Goldin

Contributing Editor
Geri Wittig

Contributing Writers
Wendy Angel
Chun Chang
Benjamin Eakins
Ron Goldin
Mark Gonzales
Sheila A. Malone
Rob Riddle
Nora Raggio
Inna Razumova
Joel Slayton
Glen Sparer
Minqing Zhou

Graphic Design
Ron Goldin
Stephan Hechenberger
Matt Mays

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last 5 articles posted by Hechenberger

:: Welcome To Issue 18! - Apr 2 2003

:: A Pierre Lévy Project - Apr 2 2003

:: Data Flux - Mar 27 2003

:: The data_flux project - Feb 16 2002

:: Contact Us - Feb 10 2002

:: Credits - Feb 7 2002

:: The data_flux project - Feb 2 2002

view all posts made by Hechenberger


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