Choosing one link over the other
is the same as filling in one gap while ignoring another
and the viewer will most likely still have the opportunity
to go back to the ignored gap or perhaps find it later on
in their navigation of the web-specific art piece.
Due to the segmentalized structure of hypertext,
the notion of a smooth transition
has shifted away from the model of a steady and logical progression of events
to a model in which the click of a button
can land the viewer anywhere within the realm of the World Wide Web
- any pertinent site within the "docuverse"
no matter how obscure the connection.
The effect of such jagged viewing
is that not only is the viewer's input required,
but their use of imagination to fill in the gaps
has the potential to be taxed more frequently and to a greater degree.
The artistic conventions of web-specific artwork
is that there are no artistic conventions -
- there is no linearity,
there is no singular peak of catharsis.

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