I don't want to be an evangelist for computer

technology. I like my computer about as much

as I like my car and my telephone; meaning that

I don't care for it all that much.

Viewing artwork on a computer isn't like standing

in front of a painting. There are qualitative

differences that shouldn't be obscured. I don't

believe, as others have suggested, that elec-

tronic art will make more traditional art

practices obsolete.

Sometimes I'm surprised by the fact that I even own

a computer, let alone that I make art for the Web.

After all, I grow an organic garden every summer.

My vision of the idyllic vacation is a 10-day solo

backpacking trip in the Sierras. I take long walks

in my neighborhood, and make a point of talking to

my neighbors. In other words, I'm very tied to the

material world and my local surroundings.

But I'm also aware that I live in a house with indoor

plumbing and central heating; not a hut in the woods.

And I have to confess that some nights I call in my

pizza order, pick it up at the drive-thru window, and

motor home to watch a rented video.

In other words, technology plays a big part in my life,

and I derive some significant benefits from it. I just

try to keep a balanced perspective, and not be seduced

by the hype.

And so it is with the Web. I've met people I never would

have known, and I have a worldwide audience for my work.

But I still talk to my neighbors. And it's still important

that I buy one of those awful chocolate bars from the kid

next door who's raising money for his school band.